CIM LIT - The Online Myriapod Literature Reference Input Tool
The CIM LIT is an online tool from the Centre International de Myriapodologie (CIM) to compile all literature references on Myriapoda. It allows all CIM members to easily input their publications on Myriapoda as well as missing citations from other authors or publications.
Please register to fill gaps and keep the database up-to-date. It may take up to one hour to receive the registration mail.
You can input different types of literature: article, article in proceeding, book, chapter in book, book in a book series or thesis/report. Please check MyriaLit before entering a reference to avoid duplicates. For many entries (e.g. person, magazine) you can choose from a large predefined list. Only if the person or journal is not available in the list press the button "Create a new". Please fill out as many fields you can, at least those marked with an asterisk*. If you finished please press "OK". After creating a reference citation you can go to "Edit own literature" to edit or delete your entry. All input literature will be verified by an CIM editor and will be send to the CIM LIT database, which is also connected to the online soil-zoological data warehouse EDAPHOBASE (Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz), when accepted. Please understand that it may take a few days until your entries are validated.
CIM LIT was programmed by Sebastian Rick (Görlitz, Germany) and is open source.